Trinity Primary School

School performance and inspection reports

On this page you will find our latest performance data as well as the most recent Ofsted and Church School Inspection Reports.

School Performance Data

Standards at Trinity are consistently high, often higher than national and local averages. Our results are good and reflect the tremendous amount of hard work that children, staff and parents have put in. 

The government did not publish KS2 school level data in 2020, 2021 and 2022 due to Covid-19. 

Performance measures website

Click on the link below and it will take you to a website where you can compare the performance of schools and colleges in England

School and college performance tables website page 

Click on the link below to go to the school performance section of the DfE website where the most recent validated assessments for Trinity can be found. You can also find previous results for our school published there. 

Trinity School's performance tables website page

2023 validated school results

Please take a look at the tables below which show attainment (the age related expectations) and progress.  

Early Years Foundation Stage Assessments

Numbers in brackets are the national average 

Early Years (%)
Good level of development
2018 63 (72)
2019 75 (72)
2023 66 (67)

Year 1 and 2 Phonics Assessments

Numbers in brackets are the national average 

Phonics Attainment (%)
Year One Year Two
2018 78 (83)
80 (61)
2019 69 (83)
100 (66)
2023 82 (79)
93 (89)

Year 2 Results (KS1 SATs)

Numbers in brackets are the national average 

Key Stage One Attainment (%)
2018 69 (75) 14 (26) 69 (70) 7 (16) 72 (76) 7 (22)
2019 73 (75) 26 (25) 77 (69) 13 (15) 67 (76) 17 (22)
2023 63 (68)
16 (19)
60 (60)
13 (8)
73 (70)
13 (16)

EXP+ = expected standard and higher   HS = high standard

Year 6 SATs Results (KS2 SATs)

Numbers in brackets are the national average 

Key Stage Two Attainment (%)
2018 81 (75) 42 (28) 89 (78) 31 (20) 85 (76) 31 (24) 92 (78) 62 (34)
2019 72 (73) 24 (27) 84 (78) 20 (20) 88 (79) 12 (27) 88 (78) 56 (36)
2023 82 (73)
33 (29)
82 (71)
24 (13)
76 (73)
18 (24)
79 (72)
61 (30)
KS2 Read. Writing & Maths Combined Attainment (%)
2018 77 (64) 8 (10)
2019 72 (65) 4 (11)
2023 67 (60)
12 (8)

EXP+ = expected standard and higher   GD = greater depth. GPS = Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

KS2 Scaled Scores  (100 is the expected standard)
2018 106 106
2019 103 105
2023 105 (105) 103 (104)

 Numbers in brackets are the national average 

Progress between KS1 and KS2  ('0' is the national average)
2018 3.1 4.1 3.4
2019 0.7 2.5 1.9
2023 1.0 2.8 -0,2

Well done to all of our children for these great results.


2022 – 2023  attendance: 94.4% - this is in line with the national average.


At Trinity, we strive to continually improve and ensure that we are providing the very best education to the children in our care. We appreciate and use the feedback given to us through School inspections. The most recent inspections celebrated the Schools many strengths and achievements, as well as looking at our ‘next steps’.

Trinity School was last inspected by Ofsted in January 2020 (Section 8 Inspection) and SIAMS in September 2023.  

Here are the judgments:

Ofsted - Trinity School is a GOOD school

SIAMS - The inspection findings indicate that the school is living up to its foundation as a Church school, and is enabling pupils and adults to flourish.

A copy of the SIAMS report can be found at the bottom of the page along with the 'Keeping on Track' report, February 2022.

Below is a link to the reports section of Ofsted website where you can find Trinity's Inspection Reports:

Parent View

At Trinity, we very much benefit from the partnership there is between the school and parents. As a school, we greatly value your opinion of the service we provide. Please share your reflections with us via Parent View.

Files to Download

SIAMS Report September 2023 SIAMS Keeping on Track Report February 2022