Trinity Primary School

Sports Premium

The school recognises the importance of ensuring our children live healthy and active lifestyles.

As a result, we participate in a wide range of sports through our involvement in FORWARD and the West Lancashire School Sport Partnership.

We receive funding of £18090 to support School Sport and PE. We have used this funding to buy-in the expertise of a high-quality sports coach who works alongside our teachers to team teach specialist PE lessons. This has enabled teachers from Nursery to Year 6 to improve their knowledge and expertise so that they can deliver excellent teaching and learning experiences to our children in future years.

As parents are aware, we have provided many varied opportunities for the children to receive major games coaching in recent years. We have also provided a range of after-school activities that are available due to the time generously given by staff and voluntary helpers also.

2023 – 2024 Spending

In 2023 / 24 the Sports Premium allocation of £18,200 was spent in a variety of ways:

  • Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with teachers when teaching PE
  • Supporting & engaging the least active children through new or additional ‘Change4life’ clubs
  • Paying for professional development opportunities for teachers in PE & sport
  • Running sport competitions, or increasing pupils’ participation in school games
  • Buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE & sport
  • Providing places for pupils on after-school sports clubs & or holiday clubs
  • Purchasing various resources to enhance the new curriculum, resources such as boccia equipment, balance bikes and skittles.
  • Providing specialist lessons for children with SEND
  • Providing specialist Forest School lessons for children in EYFS

2023 – 2024 Impact

From 2018 onwards, Trinity has been awarded ‘The Sainsbury’s School Games Mark’ for recognition of our commitment to and development of competition, school sport and physical education.  Trinity was awarded 'gold' in 2024.

The impact of the ‘Games Mark’ actions, coupled with improvements we have made with the ‘Sports Premium Funding’, has been significant. Here are some specific examples of impact:

  • Our children are very positive about sport and physical activity.
  • We have a wide range of competitive sporting activities on offer.
  • Over 84% of our children engaged in PE extra-curricular activities or competitive sport last year (this is risning year on year).
  • There has been a significant increase in children taking part in after school clubs.
  • Greater staff confidence in planning and delivery of PE lessons - teachers and teaching assistants.
  • All areas of the PE curriculum are at least good.
  • The proportion of outstanding teaching is increasing as a result of team teaching with expert coaches.
  • Increased links with specialist organisations and coaches.
  • Pupils who are more able in sport are given the chance to participate against others of a similar ability and potential.
  • Pupils have high self-esteem and sense of pride for their teams.
  • 2024 summative assessments show that 87% of children in school achieve age related expectations with over 25% working at greater depth. 

Further details can be found in our Sports Premium Strategy Document

2024 – 2025 Spending

Our 'Sports Premium Strategy Document' shows how we will make further improvements to our sports offering, and the impact this will have on our children throughout 2024 / 2025.

However, the table below provides a summary of how our school is planning to spend the £18,090 allocation of sports funding in the 2024/ 25 school year.

Sport Package - Richard Urwin £10000
Breakfast and after school club provison £300
Sports Leader training and equipment £200
Forest Schools £1850
Competitive sports/Sporting events £1050
Playground equipment £1750
Additional swimming (top up) £2500
CPD £240
Sporting awards evening £200
TOTAL £18,090

Year Six Swimming Competency

Number of children in Y6 30
Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of 25m 23
Use a range of strokes effectively 23
Perform a safe self rescue in different water based situations 23


Our specialist coach and Forward Cluster has enabled our school to create a sustainable curriculum for all the children by investing in the professional development of staff to deliver high quality PE lessons. The Essectials Curriculum aids teachers in helping our children to form a PE schema in their long term memories. It also helps children to meet progression milestones.  Through assessments, club registers and the School Games Mark Application, we are able to collect valuable data.

Data collected from 2023 / 2024 shows us the impact of the Sports Premium on pupil progress in PE and involvement in sport, and clearly identifies strengths and areas for development. 87% of children achieved expected or above across the PE curriculum and 84% of children attended an extra curricular club.

For more information on the activities, the spending and impact of these activities, please refer to the 'Sports Premium Strategy 2024 - 2025' document below

Files to Download

Sports Premium Strategy document 2024-2025