Trinity Primary School


At Trinity School we know how important a successful transition is to our pupils with SEND. We are keen to involve parents/carers as much as possible in their child's transition into the next year group.

The children spend time during the summer term with their new teacher. We also invite parents / carers into school to meet the new teacher. This opportunity involves looking around your child's new classroom, being introduced to staff and having the chance to discuss any concerns you may have about your child's transition into their next class.

Parent's Evening is planned for the Autumn term where the transition period is discussed, reviewed and evaluated.

The period of transition depends on the individual needs of your child and therefore, we provide an adapted timetable for those who we feel will benefit from an enhanced transition. 

Staff have also taken opportunities to visit and work closely with our feeder secondary schools and local SEND schools to acquire a more in-depth knowledge of their routines, systems and ethos. The SENDCO and Y6 teachers work closely with High School staff to arrange enhanced transition arrangements for children with SEND as needed.  Staff are willing to arrange and accompany children and/or parents/carers to their new school. Parents of Y6 children with an EHCP will have a series of Transition Review meetings in addition to the normal Annual Review to ensure the smoothest possible transition.