Trinity Primary School


Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE) at Trinity School

PSHE education is at the heart of everything we do at Trinity to ensure that every child feels safe, cared for and valued in a positive environment which enables them to thrive. At Trinity, our priority is every child’s happiness and well-being. We want all children to be happy and to feel part of our Trinity family.  PSHE education incorporates physical health, including healthy lifestyles and first aid. Healthy relationships, mental health and well-being also forms part of PSHE education.

Our Personalised Curriculum

At Trinity, PSHE is taught through a personalised curriculum that is carefully tailored to meet the needs of our children. Our curriculum drivers - aspiration, health and well-being, diversity - are embedded in the teaching of PSHE. We celebrate the diverse nature of Britain and reinforce fundamental British values.  In all classes, we use provide explorative lessons which promote discussion and debate where children learn the vocabulary needed to speak and write in a way that enables them to communicate their ideas and opinions.

Online Safety features strongly in the teaching and learning of PSHE. We educate our children on how to stay safe online and where to go to for help should they need it. We recognise that social media is a huge part of children’s lives. Therefore, we address issues surrounding online activity and teach children what to do if they are presented with negative experiences online which may include cyber bullying, body image or being asked about personal information.  

Through PSHE, we teach children to believe that they can achieve their goals, both academic and personal. We give children the tools they need to recover from setbacks and challenging periods in their lives.  We help them develop self-esteem and a positive attitude of themselves alongside nurturing personal attributes including kindness, integrity, generosity, and honesty which we believe at Trinity is key in enabling all children to develop the resilience and character they need to become happy, successful and productive members of our community and society.

We also deliver the KidSafe curriculum alongside PSHE. KidSafe UK provides schools from EYFS, Primary to Y6 with a child-friendly, preventative children’s mental health and safeguarding programme. 

Files to download 

Curriculum Map

PSHE Policy

Drug Policy

Citizenship Policy

SRE Policy