Trinity Primary School


Places, People, Processes and Patterns

Pupils at Trinity School develop Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills during engaging lessons and through many opportunities to learn at first-hand how diverse places, people and physical processes are inextricably linked on our amazing planet. Geography encourages the children to think about their own place in the world and their responsibilities towards other people and the environment on a global, national, local and individual scale.

We enable our children to gain this cultural capital by developing:

  • Knowledge and understanding of the world about them – where places are in relation to others, and some of the processes which shape the natural environment.
  • An understanding of how the natural environment influences patterns of human activity.
  • An understanding of and participation in current environmental issues.
  • An appreciation of and respect for people from other cultures and the natural environment.
  • Specific Geographical skills, knowledge and understanding as well as those shared with other curriculum areas.

We are currently working towards our 3rd EcoSchools Green Flag!

Our Curriculum

Our youngest children in Nursery and Reception Class develop their sense of place through the 'Understanding The World'  strand of the EYFS. Their natural curiosity for the world about them is developed through exploration of people, places and communities in the local area, the school grounds and the wider world.  

The Chris Quigley ‘Essentials’ Curriculum is used as a framework for the teaching and learning of Geography in Key Stages One and Two. The children have plentiful opportunities to develop core skills in English, Science and Maths and to make meaningful links with other subject areas including History, Computing, Music, Art & Design and Design Technology. They participate in engaging  activities such as orienteering games, first hand observation of weather and seasonal change in the school grounds, and visits to Southport and Liverpool World Museum. Themed 'Countries of the UK' days include interesting visitors and plenty of mouth-watering food such as Haggis, 'Tatties and Neeps' and Welsh Rarebit! 

The children learn about the links between the natural landscape and human activity in a range of contexts, including a local area study and the rainforests of South America. They describe how Skelmersdale has developed and changed over time by studying its’ coal mining and agricultural heritage as well as the growth of the New Town, and can explain how human activity in the Amazon  is  changing the climate. 

They visit the Library to access non-fiction resources and deepen their knowledge of features, landmarks and regions in the UK and the wider world using OS maps, atlases, globes and online resources such as Digimap. Visits to the River Tawd and the Yorkshire coast  provide opportunities to identify river and coastal features and locate them on OS maps, as well as to observe erosion, transportation and deposition at first-hand.  

The drivers of Health and Wellbeing, Diversity and Aspiration underpin the Geographical learning experiences of children across all year groups. Our aim is for the children to embed and extend their understanding by regularly revisiting Geographical concepts and topics over a period of time, ensuring progression towards National Curriculum expectations for the end of each Key Stage.

Files to download

Curriculum Map
