Trinity Primary School

Weduc - our school app

Weduc is our school app and communication tool which we will be using to keep in touch with families, share our news updates from school and send home important messages.

This app will also allow parents and carers to access our exciting news feed and school calendar, so you can keep up to date with everything that's going on at Trinity.  We will also use the app for key events such as parents evenings, recording student absences and completing interactive forms.

There are several ways in which you can access Weduc:

  • By downloading the app onto your smart phone or tablet. You can download it from the App Store or Google Play.
  • By logging in via the Weduc website/portal at:
  • It is easy to use the new Weduc tool once you have downloaded it:

Weduc by App

Step 1 - Once downloaded, open the app and click the Enrol link at the bottom of the login screen.

Step 2 - You will have been sent a unique enrolment code by letter and message from the school office - please keep this safe as you will need it to set up your account.  If you have not received a code, please contact the school office on 01695 723878.

Step 3 - Enter your unique enrolment code and follow the in-app, step by step instructions to complete your registration.

Weduc by Web Browser

If you don't have access to a smart phone you have the option to use Weduc via their website, please follow the instructions below:

Step 1 - On an internet-enabled device type the following enrolment link in your web browser. Click onto ENROL

Step 2 - Enter you unique enrolment code which will have been sent to you by letter and message from the school office. Then click onto NO. I AM A NEW USER

Step 3 - Enter your email address and mobile phone number, then click CONFIRM

Step 4 - On completion of step 3 an activation email will be sent to your registered email address. Follow the instructions in this email to activate your account and set your password.

Step 5 - Log on to Weduc using your newly created login details.

If you need any help of support, then please don’t hesitate to contact the school office on 01695 723878