Trinity Primary School

Our curriculum

Here at Trinity Primary School our aim is for every pupil to make excellent progress and achieve the highest standards possible during their educational journey through our school. We are dedicated to nurturing resilient, life long learners with a positive ‘can do’ attitude equipped with all the skills and aspirations required for them to thrive in the modern world. We will foster each pupil’s emotional and physical health and well being through our judiciously planned curriculum whilst immersing them in the culturally diverse world in which we reside.

Passionate and inspirational teachers will teach each child. Teachers that will reinforce the expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving great things. Teachers who aspire to deliver a curriculum that is interesting, relevant, broadens horizons and opens a child’s mind to what the world has to offer!

Year on year, children will grow in skills, knowledge and confidence as they experience a deep and broad curriculum. Our fundamental aim is to equip pupils for life in today’s culturally rich society. Our curriculum is underpinned by a tenacious allegiance to ensuring that every pupil leaves us equipped with a high standard of skills in English, Maths and communication. Trinity has knowledgeably and passionately crafted a curriculum that meets the needs of our community. Every lesson, experience and opportunity will be driven by vocabulary development and enriched by access to real life experiences in order to bring learning alive and deepen knowledge and understanding by building on previous learning as the children progress through each class.

Furthermore, we assure a highly inclusive environment that encourages children to develop high expectations of themselves in both learning and behaviour.  Community involvement is an integral part of who and what we are! We unite to celebrate local traditions, learning new skills to enable children to take an active role in events throughout the year whilst deepening their cultural capital and ‘letting their light shine’ for all to see. Indeed, pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of Christian values and how to use them to grow and flourish individually under the guide of our school motto ‘What would Jesus do?’

Through a high-quality education and a strong Christian grounding our children will exemplify our mission statement ‘Letting our light shine as we live, love and learn, together with Jesus’.  

Children will leave Trinity School with a sense of belonging to a tightly knit community where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self evaluate and thrive and as an informed, valued citizen that embraces diversity.

Indeed, they will be enlightened and emotionally supported in how to ‘let their lights shine’ with vital insights into the significant impact that they as individuals can have on the world around them.  

Our curriculum is based around there contextualised drivers:

  • aspiration

  • positive health and well being

  • culture and diversity

Visits and Visitors

During their 8 years at Trinity Primary School each child can expect to access a number of different experiences, activities and visitors that will enrich their lives and expose them to the wider world whilst allowing them to develop aspirations and an appreciation of human creativity and achievement (cultural capital) These will be carefully planned by class teachers based on information gathered from pupils in each project (pupil voice) and will be detailed in class enrichment overviews.

If you would like a paper copy of the Trinity Curriculum, please contact Mrs. Waring or Mrs Mitchell in the School Office by calling 01695 723878.

Files to download

Curriculum Content Summary - Y1 to Y6