Trinity Primary School


Children at Trinity do not just learn facts and figures. Instead, they are encouraged to become detectives who explore the past in an exciting way. Children are taught skills of historical enquiry in investigate and interpret the past: to ask questions such as, What? When? Why? How? They study artefacts from the past (tools, ornaments, coins, diaries) to develop an understanding of people’s way of life at that time. History at Trinity gives children the opportunity to develop a sense of chronology and an understanding of events and people of the past have shaped the world we live in today. It develops their ability to communicate historically by providing them with relevant, historically related vocabulary.

Our Personalised Curriculum

At Trinity, History is taught through a personalised curriculum that is knowledge based and carefully tailored to meet the needs of our children. Our curriculum drivers - aspiration, health and well-being, diversity - shape our curriculum and are embedded in the teaching of history. We plan opportunities to celebrate, nurture and develop children’s aspirations to become successful, happy, healthy members of society. Challenging children as well as providing the necessary support is integral to our teaching to ensure all pupils reach their full potential regardless of background, ability, additional needs, gender or ethnicity. In History, we explore the diverse nature of Britain’s multicultural heritage and reinforce British values.  In all classes, we use primary and secondary source material, ICT, films and field trips to sites of historical significance to provide an exciting, ambitious curriculum full of opportunities and experiences children need and thrive on. We invite visitors to our school to provide inspirational, key experiences that build cultural capital - the vital background knowledge children need to become informed and thoughtful members of our community.  

Cross curricular links for the teaching of history is planned for carefully at Trinity in all classes. For example, a high quality historical text may be studied in English to reinforce children’s understanding of events previously taught in history. This enables children to make connections and organise knowledge in a meaningful way. Studying a high quality text also gives children the crucial vocabulary needed to speak and write like real historians and in doing so, develops aspirations for future career choices.

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Curriculum Map
