Trinity Primary School

The learning environment

The Sunflower Nursery features a custom designed indoor learning environment that opens out onto a substantial outdoor environment, creating a seamless play space that children can use in any weather condition.

The Sunflower Nursery is situated within Trinity CE / Methodist School. The nursery is a high quality early years learning environment. It is fully resourced and makes use of the latest technology. The Sunflower Nursery is a charmingly crafted environment designed to meet the needs of 2, 3 and 4 year old children. The Sunflower Nursery has its own outside area incorporating tried and tested techniques and resources which promote a real thirst for outdoor learning. And of course, it’s not just the nursery learning environment the children benefit from - they are part of the Trinity Foundation Stage Unit and the whole school family, and as such, have full access to the wonderful resources enjoyed by the entire school as well as the highly skilled staff team.

The Sunflower Nursery learning environment has many different areas....

The Graphic Area has books, block play, maths, science, computers, puzzles and writing areas. Emergent reading writing and number skills are developed through planned experiences. Construction materials allow children to explore, plan and negotiate and an ‘art area’ offers found materials for creative exploration.

The Creative Area offers sand, water, dough/clay, paint and collage experiences. Children participate fully in exploring these opportunities, learning from first-hand experience whilst supported by the teachers. There is also a space where children are introduced to technology exploring ways to fix things.

The Music and Movement Area is a large classroom space for music and movement and relaxation sessions.

The Outdoor Area is resourced fully to ensure that children are given the opportunity to use construction, gardening, a mud kitchen and a challenging physical development area.

All areas are always staffed to support the children’s explorations, investigations and development of social and physical skills. Each session is a balanced with child initiated and teacher directed experiences as the children develop their confidence, self esteem, concentration spans and work ethos. Teachers notice children’s interests and work beside them, co-collaborating in learning, asking questions and extending thinking.